Registration Procedure
Reservation is completed only after payment of the deposit. Deposits can be paid by credit card ,
mail orders, bank transfer or cheque. Deposit and Payments
These are the deposit and balance for one week. (For combinations, see rates). - Workshop alone :
Full program (morning art classes and afternoon Paris tours) : deposit is 500€ ; balance is 300€. (Total price : 800€). Only the morning art classes : deposit is 250€ ; balance is 300€. (Total price : 550€). The balance is to be paid on site, on the first day. Cancellation Policy : All cancellations are subject to a 100€ bookkeeping fee. Cancellation 60-30 days before the beginning of the Workshop results in forfeiture of 25% of the Workshop fee. If cancellation occurs less than 30 days before the beginning of the Workshop, deposits will not be reimbursed. No refund will be accepted during the Workshop. - Workshop with double occupancy hotel accommodation and transportation from airport and to painting spots every day :
Full program (morning art classes and afternoon Paris tours) : deposit is 1000€ ; balance is 2000€. (Total price : 3000€). Only the morning art classes : deposit is 1000€ ; balance is 1500€ . (Total price : 2500€). Single supplement is 800€. The balance is due one month prior to the workshop. Cancellation Policy : All cancellations are subject to a 100€ bookkeeping fee. Cancellation 60-30 days before the Workshop results in forfeiture of 25% of the Workshop fee. Cancellation 30-15 days before the Workshop results in forfeiture of 50% of the fee. Cancellation within 14 days results in forfeiture of the entire fee. No refund will be accepted during the Workshop. If you would like to have a complementary insurance, we recommend that you subscribe one, before registering to the Workshop, with a travel specialized insurance company, like Allianz Travel Insurance - they will refund you the full amount you paid if you have a problem and have to cancel.
Please fill-in this registration form. Our meeting place and other useful details will be sent to you after your enrolment.
Any questions ? Do not hesitate to call us on +33
or send an e-mail at
18, rue Pernety 75014 PARIS FRANCE