Atelier Alupi
en français  in Italiano  en español  русский

Registration Procedure

Please fill-in this registration form.

Courses start on Monday, January 6, 2025. You can still register though, as there are still a few spaces left available.

Registration costs 360 Euros per trimester (three-month term) for one class per week. Registration is completed only after payment of the deposit (100 Euros per course chosen). Deposits can be paid by credit card, mail orders or cheque. The balance of 260 Euros per course chosen - is to be paid at the Studio, on the first day (credit cards are not accepted at the Studio, so please bring enough cash or a French cheque).

If you are only looking for short-term classes, click here.

Any questions ? Do not hesitate to call us on +33 or send an e-mail at

Choose Program :
Drawing - Painting - Watercolor
All levels
2nd  trimester
(click on the selected classes)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
10–12.30 a.m.
(in person class at the Paris studio)
6.30–9 p.m.
(in person class at the Paris studio)

Legend :

in person class at the Paris studio Places available - you can register (click on the classes you are intersted in)
  Selected Course (click course again to deselect).

Courses for adults when not mentioned otherwise. Teenagers from 13 accepted on Saturday morning.

 How did you hear about us?
Your details
 First name
 Last name
Your Picture Do not type anything in this field : click on the button below and choose a picture of you from your computer.
(max. size of the picture : 6 Mb)
 Date of birth ,  
 Address & State/County
 Home phone
Cell phone
 E-mail address
More details ?

 Required Fields.
Cancellation policy : A fixed, non-refundable, amount of 50 Euros per person, will be held. If cancellation occurs less than 30 days before the beginning of the course, deposits will not be reimbursed. No refund will be accepted during the term.

18, rue Pernety
75014 PARIS

Phone :
Email :

drawing painting
Who we are
Where ?